Livestock Farming Technology

Livestock farming involves raising animals for proteins, or other products. Modern livestock farming practices often involve using technology, such as precision feeding systems and genetics, to increase efficiency and productivity.

Cattle rearing is an important part of Nigeria’s agriculture.

Cattle rearing in Nigeria

Cattle rearing is an important part of Nigeria’s agriculture and is a significant contributor to the country’s economy. Nigeria is home to many cattle, with estimates suggesting that there is over 20 million head of cattle in the country. Cattle are mainly raised for meat, milk, and hides, and are an important source of income […]

Cattle rearing is an important part of Nigeria’s agriculture. Read More »

Leghorn Chicken- Most popular chicken breed for egg production.

Leghorn chickens

Leghorn chickens are probably one of the most popular chicken breeds due to their ability to produce around 300 – 320 eggs per year. Until recently, this breed was the most important in commercial egg production, with about 24 recognized breeds. Because of their extensive egg-laying ability, they are the number one breed used for

Leghorn Chicken- Most popular chicken breed for egg production. Read More »

Black hole duck for farming

Black hole duck farming

Black hole duck farming on homesteads or farms is not a new idea. Therefore, people have been raising them as domestic animals since ancient times. Because Black hole duck farming is easy and profitable. Even a beginner can become a successful duck farmer. Black hole duck farming The way to recognize a black hole duck

Black hole duck for farming Read More »

List of Poultry Diseases

Poultry Diseases

We need to have a proper understanding of poultry diseases. These poultry diseases can cause chicken death and reduced production. Here we discuss a list of poultry diseases. Types of Poultry Diseases Poultry diseases are a major concern for those who raise chickens. Many diseases can cause death to the birds or reduce production. We

List of Poultry Diseases Read More »